Assessment Policy

PYP  :

Assessment is an essential part of the teaching and learning process. It provides information about student learning and development, as well as a framework for planning, self-reflection, and collaboration. Formative and Summative assessments are done for each unit followed by Student led conferences,this helps teachers in understanding students' strengths and challenges. These are reflected in a report called "The Touch stone report" and is shared with parents periodically.


MYP :  

Grading and Reporting Procedures -  MYP ASSESSMENT

To ensure that grades provide feedback and demonstrate student learning, IBS grades are to be based upon students demonstrating what they know and can do relative to the IB Middle Years Program (MYP). Final grades are determined by the teachers' professional analysis of a student’s work against those standards based on prescribed exit outcome levels, not by mathematical calculations such as averaging or curving the grade

Assessment and the MYP   

Assessment in the MYP is an integral part of teaching and learning. Assessment is the collection of information regarding student progress in relation to identified learning outcomes. Assessment is essential to allow teachers and students to identify strengths and weaknesses. The purpose and means of assessment is clearly explained to students.  


Assessment in the MYP is an integral part of learning, involving students in self-assessment and providing feedback on the thinking strategies and processes as well as the outcome.  

  • The MYP requires teachers to organize continuous assessment, over the course of the program, according to specified criteria that correspond to the objectives of each subject group.  
  •  Regular internal assessment and reporting play a major role in the students’ and parents’ understanding of the objectives and criteria, in the students’ preparation for final assessment, and more generally in their development according to the principles of the program. 
  • The MYP offers a criterion-related model of assessment. Teachers are responsible for structuring varied and valid assessment tasks that will allow students to demonstrate achievement according to the required objectives within each subject group. These include open-ended problem-solving activities and investigations, organized debates, tests and examinations, hands-on experimentation, analysis and reflection. 


Reaching a final grade for a student 

It is the teacher who, in the opinion of the IB, is best placed to judge which final level should be awarded to the student.

In the MYP, assessment is based on criteria. Each subject has a number of different criteria that are used to evaluate the students’ achievement in various aspects of the work. Sometimes all the criteria in the subject are applied to an assessment task or project, but more often, only one or two criteria apply. Student work is evaluated by giving the task a level of achievement in one or more of the criteria.



MYP Subject-Specific Assessment Criteria


Students are assessed in eight MYP subject areas in grades 6 – 10. Each subject area has specific criterion objectives to be assessed. As an IB MYP School, we must regularly report student progress towards the MYP objectives using the below criteria.  Assessment criteria for years 1, 3 and 5 are provided in the MYP subject-group guides and their use is mandatory (Please refer to your subject guide for more information.)  



Criterion A (max 8)

Criterion B

 (max 8)

Criterion C (max 8)

Criterion D (max 8)


Language and Literature



Producing text

Using language


Language Acquisition

Comprehending spoken and visual text

Comprehending written and visual text


Using language


Individuals and Societies

Knowing and understanding



Thinking critically



Knowing and understanding

Inquiring and designing

Processing and evaluating

Reflecting on the impacts of science



Knowing and understanding

Investigating patterns


Applying mathematics in real-world contexts



Knowing and understanding

Developing skills

Thinking creatively



Physical and Health Education

Knowing and understanding

Planning for performance

Applying and performing

Reflecting and improving performance



Inquiring and analyzing

Developing ideas

Creating the solution



Personal Project



Taking Action





The community project and the personal project:

  • Schools offering an MYP program including years 3, 4 and 5 may choose to offer students the opportunity to engage in both the community project and the personal project.
  • The community project – grades 8 and 9 and the personal project – in grade 10.
  • The community project and personal projects are known together as MYP projects.


The community project/ Service as Action:  focuses on community and service, encouraging students to explore their right and responsibility to implement service as action in the community. All IBS Middle School students are required to engage in activities which are beneficial to both their community and to themselves. This aspect of the curriculum is complementary to the holistic development of each individual. You will have the additional advantage of choosing which aspect of community you would like to serve. At the end of Grade 10, you should have met our standards for Service as Action.

MYP students at IBS should, through their engagement with service as action become aware that:

  • The community project gives students an opportunity to develop awareness of needs in various communities and address those needs through service learning.
  • As a consolidation of learning, the community project engages in a sustained, in-depth inquiry leading to service as action in the community.
  • The community project may be completed individually or by groups of a maximum of three students.



The personal project encourages students to practice and strengthen their ATL skills, to consolidate prior and subject-specific learning, and to develop an area of personal interest.

  • The personal project provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and often creative product/outcome and to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP.
  • The project offers many opportunities for differentiation of learning and expression according to students’ individual needs.
  • The personal nature of the project is important; the project should revolve around a challenge that motivates and interests the individual student.
  •  Each student develops a personal project independently.
  • MYP projects are student-centred and age-appropriate, and they enable students to engage in practical explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection.
  • Students are required to choose an academic or non-academic topic or subject for their project, which they are expected to complete over the course of the school year.
  • Students are required to keep a personal journal while working on the process, and schedule regular meetings with an MYP teacher who will serve as their advisor throughout the year; in addition, a final reflection must be written upon the completion of the project which explains how it ties in with at least one of the Global Contexts.
  • To get the MYP certificate, the candidate must get at least 3 out of 7 in the final score.


For additional information on the Middle Years Programme please visit the IB website at

Citations : IBO (2014). Projects guide: For use from September 2014/January 2015. International Baccalaureate Organisation.

  • IBO (2015). Guide to MYP: e-Assessment First examinations May and November. 2016 International Baccalaureate Organisation